Middle Temple Young Barristers' Association

Pupillage Interview Advocacy

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 18:00 - 20:30pm

Rutledge Suite, Middle Temple

An opportunity to have a go at an unseen interview advocacy exercise in front of a panel of experienced interviewers. Civil and criminal exercises available.

Register here.

You must register by 28.02.20. Open to MTYBA members only. You will be asked to confirm your membership number and date of Call when doing so.

However, please do not register unless you know that you can commit to attending at the allotted date and time. If you later cannot, please notify us ASAP so we can re-allocate your slot.

Please note: For mock interviews you will be asked to book timeslots by reference to your practice area of interest. If that practice area is not listed, or the number of spaces for that area are booked up, please proceed to book a timeslot under another practice area and list your practice area of interest in the booking form. 

Background image by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0